Author Guidelines
Author Guidelines
- The writing systematic includes at least an Introduction, Implementation Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions, Recommendations, Acknowledgments, and Bibliography.
- Articles are typed in 12-point font with a line spacing of one and a half spaces on A4 paper, except for direct quotations which are typed with a line spacing of one space and indented style.
- The top, bottom, left and right side borders are at least 2.5 cm.
- Articles are written as efficiently as possible according to the needs, with an article length of around 10 pages.
- All pages, including references and appendices should be numbered consecutively.
- Authors are advised to use the Mendeley application in writing citations and bibliographies.
- Manuscripts must follow the GeoEconomics Journal manuscript writing template, Templates for authors can be downloaded at here.
Systematization of Article Writing
- Title, written in Indonesian and in English. The title in Indonesian consists of a maximum of 15 words, while the title in English consists of a maximum of 15 words.
- Abstract, consisting of 100-200 words in English and Indonesian. The abstract provides a summary of the article's objectives, methods, results, and conclusions. The abstract is followed by keywords consisting of 3-5 words to facilitate the indexing of the article.
- Introduction, This section contains a concise and concise background of the research, as well as the purpose of the writing.
- Theoretical Basis, Empirical Studies and Hypothesis Development (If Any), The theoretical basis describes the theoretical framework based on literature review while the empirical study describes the results of previous studies that explain the variables and relationships between variables and become a logical basis for developing hypotheses or research propositions and research models.
- Research method, this section explains how the research was conducted. The research method explains the research design used including the type of research, population and sample, data collection sources and methods, measurement and operational definitions of variables, and data analysis methods.
- This section explains the results of data analysis and discussion, especially in answering research questions. This section also provides an explanation of how the findings were obtained. The results of the study contain the results of research analysis, such as research data analysis, statistical descriptions needed, research model testing, calculation results or proof of hyptesis.
- Conclusions and Suggestions, The conclusion contains a discussion of the findings which is the answer to the research objectives, while the suggestions put forward by the author for the object of research and future research.
- Bibliography, This section only contains references that are actually referred to, thus references included in this section will be found written in the previous sections. The systematics of writing is based on Harvard style but with slight modifications are:
- Alphabetically, with the order of writing (both for the first, second, and so on): last name, then followed by the first name and so on in abbreviated form.
- Example: Tjiptono, F.
- There is no need to categorize by book, journal, newspaper, or any other type of publication.
- Systematic writing for books: author's name year of publication book title publisher, city.
- Example: Tjiptono, F. 2004, Service Marketing, Malang: Bayumedia Publishing.
- Systematic writing for journals: author's name year of publication "Title of article" journal name Volume, number (pages). Publisher, City.
- Example: Siringoringo, H. 2009 "Consumer shopping behavior among modern retail formats" Delhi Business Review10 (1) 1-6.
- Systematic writing for thesis/thesis/dissertation: author's name. Year of graduation. Title of thesis/thesis/dissertation. Publisher, city.
- Systematic writing for articles from the internet: author's name. Date, month, and year of download. Title of the article. Site address.
- Systematic writing for articles in newspapers/magazines: author's name. Date, month and year of publication. "Title of the article." Name of the newspaper. Publisher, city
- Appendix, Contains matters that are considered more appropriate if included in the appendix (depending on the judgment of each author).
Tables and Figures (Graphics)
- Tables and figures are presented as efficiently as possible (only those that present results) and are included in the manuscript. Tables and figures presented in the appendix are those that show the data processing process.
- Tables and figures are given sequential numbers and full titles that indicate the content of the table or figure.
- References to tables or figures should be given in the manuscript.
- The author mentions in the text where the table or figure is included.
- Tables or figures should be interpretable without reference to the text.
- Sources of tables and figures must be included.
- Images should be prepared in a printable form.
In-text citations are written between open and close brackets stating the author's last name, year without commas, and page number if necessary.
- One source cited with one author: (Syafruddin 2001); with two authors: (Habbe and Hartono 2000); more than three authors: (Budiono et al. 1999); more than one source of citation with different authors: (Mardiyah 2001; Kusumawati 1999); more than one source cited by the same author: (Djakman 1998, 2000).
- If the citation is accompanied by a page number: (Brownell 1981, 845).
- If the reference contains authors with more than one article in the same year, then in the citation use the letters a, b, after the year. Example: (Joni 1999a, 1999b) or (Joni 1999a, Daud 2000b).
- If the author's name is mentioned in the text, the name does not need to be mentioned in the citation. Example: Alamsyah (1998) states...
- Sources of quotations from the work of an institution should mention the acronym of the institution concerned, for example, (IAI 1994).
Each article must contain a bibliography (only those that are the source of the citation) arranged alphabetically according to the author's last name or institution name. Example:
Freudenthal, H. (1991). Revisiting Mathematics Education. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Ary, D., Jacobs, L.C., & Razavieh, A. (1976). Introduction to Educational Research. Translation by Arief Furchan. (1982). Surabaya: National Effort.
Thesis, Dissertation, Research Report:
Prahmana, R.C.I. (2012). Learning Design for Number Operation Using Traditional Games of Picture Clapping for Third Grade Students of Elementary School. Unpublished Thesis. Palembang: Sriwijaya University.
Zulkardi. (2002). Developing A Learning Environment on Realistic Mathematics Education for Indonesian Student Teachers. Published Dissertation. Enschede: University of Twente.
Prahmana, R.C.I., Hendrik, Sopaheluwakan, A, van Groesen, B. (2008). Numerical Implementation of Linear AB-Equation Model using Finite Element Method, Technical Report. Bandung: LabMath-Indonesia
Symposium, Proceedings, Conference:
Cobb, P. (1994). Theories of Mathematical Learning and Constructivism: A Personal View. Paper presented at the Symposium on trends and perspectives in mathematics education, Institute for mathematics, University of Klagenfurt, Austria.
Prahmana, R.C.I. (2013). Designing Division Operation Learning in the Mathematics of Gasing. Proceeding in The First South East Asia Design/Development Research (SEA-DR) Conference 2013, 391-398. Palembang: Sriwijaya University
Journal Article:
Stacey, K. (2010). The View of Mathematical Literacy in Indonesia. Journal on Mathematics Education (IndoMS-JME), 2 (2), 1-24. Palembang: IndoMS.
A book consisting of several articles:
Saukah, A. & Waseso, M.G. (Eds.). (2002). Writing Articles for Scientific Journals (4th Edition, 1st printing). Malang: UM Press.
Russel, T. (1998). An Alternative Conception: Representing Representation. In P.J. Black & A. Lucas (Eds.), Children's Informal Ideas in Science, 62-84. London: Routledge.
Newspaper Article:
Pitunov, B. (December 13, 2002). Sekolah Unggulan or Sekolah Pengunggulan? Majapahit Pos, page 4 & 11.
Newspaper Article (no author name):
Jawa Pos (April 22, 1995). Lower-class women are more independent, page 3.
Official Documents:
Center for Language Development. (1978). Guidelines for Writing Research Reports. Jakarta: Ministry of Education and Culture
Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 2 on the National Education System. (1990). Jakarta: PT Armas Duta Jaya
Hitchcock, S., Carr, L., & Hall, W. (1996). A Survey of STM Online Journals, 1990-1995: The Calm before the Storm, (Online), (, accessed June 12
, 1996.
Kumaidi. (1998). Measurement of Early Learning Provision and Test Development. Journal of Education Science. (Online), Volume 5, No. 4, (, accessed January 20, 2000.
Wilson, D. (November 20, 1995). Summary of Citing Internet Sites. NETTRAIN Discussion List, (Online), ([email protected]), accessed November 22, 1995.
Policy on Plagiarism
Each author submitting an article to GeoEconomics must certify that the manuscript is free from plagiarism and is not currently under consideration for publication in another journal.
Reproductive Policy
Articles that have been published in GeoEconomi are copyrighted by the Faculty of Economics, University of Balikpapan. For educational purposes, the contents of GeoEconomi may be copied or reproduced as long as the source of the article is mentioned. A written request must be submitted to the Editor to obtain permission to reproduce the contents of GeoEconomi for purposes other than educational purposes.
Policy on Data Availability
Consistent with the purpose of GeoEconomics, authors are expected to provide their data to those who need it and provide information on how to obtain the data. If the article uses a survey or experimental approach, then all instruments (questionnaires, cases, interview plans, etc.) should be attached.
Article Submission
Articles are sent in softcopy (without the author's identity) and are accompanied by a brief CV of the author and research instruments (questionnaires, interview results, etc.). Articles are sent through the GeoEconomics Journal website: by selecting the Submit Paper menu and will be processed using the Open Journal System (OJS) application. Instructions for using OJS for authors can be seen in the OJS Guidelines menu.